Cemetery & Parks Minutes

September 13, 2022
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Cemetery & Parks Meeting

September 13, 2022

Kimball House



The meeting was opened at 12:11PM present were Brian Sanford, John Barrett, Roger Rapoza, Drew Funk and Pam Haman


Minutes: John made a motion  to approve the minutes for the 8/9/22 and 8/16/22 meeting.  All were in favor motion carried.


Bills and Payroll were reviewed and approved.

Deeds: signed

Correspondence none

Appointments none



Flagpole:  Roger has spoken to a family member of the Women’s Legion Auxiliary, who had originally created the area.  They have no problem/concerns moving the granite post for additional space.


Bandstand Update:  Roger has been meeting/in contact with Bob Therrien to go over the bandstand structure.  The embellishments /grill work will be saved in order to restore or make temp plates. Shaw’s will be donating a container for debris and a construction fence will be installed around the bandstand.


Cremation Park behind Lorden Oil off Highland Street:  Roger walked the area with Mike Crowley, Land use Coordinator.  Mike thought making the area a cremation park would be good use land.  It would still be kept in its natural state and burials would not be to close the vernal pools.  The area might not be suitable for green burials because of the soil.  John move to send letter of recommendation to the Board of Selectmen.  All were in favor motion carried. 


Adams Dam; Roger has explored various methods for stabilizing the bank along the river.  He would like to use “coir mats” These are made of natural material.  He also discussed with Mike Crowley who also liked this idea.  Brian moved to purchase and use the coir mates for Adams Dam.  John second all were in favor motion carried.


Thank you letter:  Shaw’s will be donating a dumpster for the gazebo demolition.  Pam will do a thank letter for the Commissioner’s to sign at the next meeting.


Field Trip:  Department would like visit cemeteries that allow green burials.  Need to choose a date.


Thank you letter for the tree donation to Vest Family was signed


Superintendents Report: The tree that was hit by lightening in the back of section 3 should be taken down and replaced.  Roger will get quotes for replacing the tree and removal cost.

Roger reported that when the Cemetery & Parks Budget was done for this fiscal year it didn’t include his stipend for being on call 24/7.  John moved to approve the letter requesting the stipend be reinstated at the next STM. All were in favor letter was signed.


Next meeting date 10/19/22 at noon.


Meeting Adjourned 1:14PM



Pam Haman, Clerk