Stormwater Management


Townsend is currently working to implement a 5-year Stormwater Management Plan known as the "Phase II Storm Water Program" as required by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and United States Environmental Protection Agency. Phase II local governments are required to develop and implement a stormwater management program that includes 6 minimum measures:

  1. Public Education and outreach on stormwater impacts
  2. Public involvement and participation
  3. Illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE)
  4. Construction site stormwater runoff control
  5. Post construction stormwater management for new development and redevelopment
  6. Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations

Tips and Resources 

Lawn & Yard Care

  • Mulch leaves and grass clippings
  • Reduce the size of your lawn by utilizing decorative rock gardens and natural vegetation 
  • Use organic lawn care products
  • Do not overuse fertilizer
  • Re-plant bare areas to discourage soil erosion

Lawn and Garden Tips

Car Care & Maintenance

  • Recycle motor oil and antifreeze
  • Use commercial car washes that recycle wash water
  • Use low-phosphate detergents when washing your car at home
  • Check for fluid leaks regularly

Think Blue Massachusetts

Think Blue Massachusetts is a statewide educational campaign to help residents and businesses do their part to reduce polluted runoff and keep our state’s lakes, rivers, and streams clean and healthy. Learn more about Think Blue Massachusetts at the following link:


Additional Resources and Bylaws 

Below are links to the Bylaws as well as additional stormwater information for residents and business owners.


Please be advised,

At the July 19th, 2022 meeting of the Planning Board, a vote was taken to change a regulation in section § 175-44 Stormwater management, erosion and sedimentation control plan (the stormwater plan). The new section is as follows:

D. Non-Applicable Projects. Projects of limited scope are not required to obtain a stormwater management permit or to submit a stormwater management plan. Non-applicable projects must have land disturbance less than 1,000 square feet and, in an area, where there is less than a fifteen-percent slope and where the soil cut, or fill does not exceed four feet in vertical depth at its deepest point as measured from the natural ground level. 

This change will be added to the ecode links below, but may not have been updated at this time.


If you would like to provide comments relative to the SWMP or other stormwater issues please write to or call 978-597-1700 ext 1722

Dog waste in the Watershed- DCR